Thursday, January 14, 2016

Quiz over WW II in Europe/N. Africa: Dark Days for the Allies 1939-41 + WW II Color Video + Pearl Harbor

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Took a Quiz over WW II in Europe & North Africa: Dark Days for the Allies, 1939-41
  • Viewed the first 20 minutes of a color film on World War II
  • Began reading a packet dealing with the question of why the United States was caught off-guard at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941; we will debate this next week.
Assignments for Friday
  1. Finish reading the first two pages of the Pearl Harbor packet, "The Question of Pearl Harbor"
  2. Finish your chart based on the first two pages showing the names of each historian and his arguments as to why the U. S. was caught off-guard at Pearl Harbor.

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