Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday, 9feb16 - Code Talkers Video(s) + Mapping a Battle from Code Talker

Please cooperate with our substitute today, students.
  • Our focus will be on the Navajo Code Talkers.
  • You will do two main activities:
Video-Navajo Code Talkers
PPT of a Code Talker Battle
1. Choose any one of the following battles described in Code Talker. (Each student should take a different battle.)
  • Bougainville - Ch. 18
  • Guam - Ch. 21
  • Iwo Jima - Ch. 24, 25, 26
  • Okinawa - Ch. 27
2. Make a PowerPoint to illustrate what is described:
  • Map of the Battle - from departure from the ship to the beach landing to the battle to their leaving the island
  • Pictures of the Battle - Look especially for things mentioned in the book.
  • Approximate route taken by the book's story teller
  • Approximate location of anything he describes.
  • Anything else you could include that would be appropriate
3. Get as much done on this today as you can.
  • It will not be due tomorrow.
  • I will check with you on Wednesday to see how far you have gotten and decide on a due date then.

For Wednesday - Video Notes on Navajo Code Talkers

For Thursday or Friday - PowerPoint on Code Talker Battle

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