Monday, October 19, 2015

Vocabulary from Will's War + The AEF on the Western Front + Battle of Cantigny

Today our 8th Graders
  • Were introduced to this week's Vocabulary Words (see below under Assignments)
  • Reviewed the major Allied offensives in which the AEF fought on the Western Front during World War I
  • Viewed & periodically paused to discuss the C-SPAN video on the Battle of Cantigny

For Tuesday
  1. Watch and take notes on the rest of the C-SPAN video on the Battle of Cantigny
  2. Read Will's War, Ch. 8, 9, & 10 and post 3 questions per chapter at your blog.
  3. Read the lyrics to the song, "Over There," and circle every emotional appeal Cohan uses to get American boys to become doughboys. Click here to hear.

For Friday - Vocabulary Quiz – Ch. VI & VII – Will’s War
  1. ornate – with elaborate or excessive decoration
  2. forebears – ancestors
  3. in lieu of – in place of; instead of
  4. cholera – an acute and often fatal intestinal disease that produces severe diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, & gastric pain
  5. plundering – robbing or stealing
  6. devout – very religious
  7. lavished – gave or spent generously or to excess
  8. abundant – plentiful               
  9. soiree – an evening party, especially in somebody’s home
  10. railed – complained or protested bitterly
  11. deplorable – extremely unacceptable; worthy of severe condemnation
  12. tyrant – an absolute ruler who exercises power cruelly and unjustly

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