Friday, October 23, 2015

WW I, cont'd + Wilson's 14 Points + Major Test Prep + Treaty of Versailles & the League of Nations

Today our 8ths:
  • Discussed and evaluated Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points
  • Reviewed briefly for Tuesday's Major Test over World War I
  • Viewed and took notes on videos related to the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations

For Monday
1. Read Ch. 15 & 16 in Will's War and post 5 discussion questions per chapter at your blog..
2.  Finish the Analysis of Wilson's 14 Points - You may collaborate.
3. Watch at least 1 hour of videos on the Versailles Conference and the Treaty of Versailles. Then answer the question, "To what extent did the Treaty of Versailles and the United States' failure to sign it help cause World War II?" Write at least two good paragraphs answering the question.

World War I - Treaty of Versailles (3:07) - WatchMojo
The Treaty of Versailles and its Consequences (8:35) - Anthony Kemmer
Treaty of Versailles Documentary (38:33) - BBC Two
The Treaty of Versailles (c. 58:51 mins.) - BBC Four

For Tuesday - Major Test over World War I - Study these:
  • A Brief Summary of World War I - both sides of the page
  • Learn the map showing the Allies and Central Powers
  • Study the Online History Textbook pages about WW I
      1. Farewell to Isolation
      2. Over There
      3. Over Here
      4. The Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations
  • Be able to identify the pictures of soldiers, weapons, etc.
  • Be able to identify the cartoons we studied: Causes of WW I, U. S. Neutrality, etc. 
  • Be able to discuss arguments for and against U. S. entry into World War I
  • Be able to evaluate the AEF's contribution to the Allied victory
  • Be able to evaluate the Wilson's 14 Points, the U.S. Senate's decision not to ratify the Treaty of Versailles or join the League of Nations.

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