Friday, September 25, 2015

The Call of the Wild, Ch. V + Critiquing Imperialism Cartoons

Today our Grade 8s:

  • Discussed Ch. V of The Call of the Wild, beginning with a student's question: Why did Jack London make the chapter so gruesome?
  • Explored the literary genre called Naturalism and identified some of its themes and practices in The Call of the Wild.
  • Looked at student blogs to see 
    • what it looked like when a heavy individual jumped from a pier onto a light sheet of ice (memories of Charles, Hal, Mercedes, and the pooches crashing through thin ice and disappearing into the Yukon)
    • where we might find clothing and supplies should we want to trek up to the Klondike/Yukon (click herehere, and here)
    • where we might go to have a team of huskies pull us in an authentic, tired, tourist sled
  • Did an exercise called Critiquing Imperialism Cartoons, showing how a pro-imperialist and an anti-imperialist might view two cartoons on U. S. overseas expansion.

Assignment for Monday -
Finish Critiquing Imperialism Cartoons.
Read Ch. VI of The Call of the Wild and post 5 discussion questions at your blog.

Have a great weekend, young huskies!!

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