Monday, September 28, 2015

World War I + The Call of the Wild, Ch. VII

Today our 8ths:

1. Began our study of World War I
  • Examined a map showing the Allied Powers vs. Central Powers + the main fronts of WW I
  • Examined drawings & pictures of German, French, British, and American troops during WW I
    • Noted how their uniforms can help us distinguish one country's troops from another's
    • Noted how the uniforms, especially headgear, changed as a result of trench warfare in WW I
  • Learned nicknames of some of the nations' troops: Poilu (French), Doughboy (American), Tommy (British), Hun (pejorative nickname given by Allies to German soldiers)
  • Began reading A Brief Summary of World War I
  • Discussed & analyzed cartoons about MANIA, the 5 Main Causes of WW I: 
    • Militarism
    • Alliances
    • Nationalism
    • Imperialism
    • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary
2. Began reading Ch. VII of The Call of the Wild

Assignment for Tuesday - The Call of the Wild
  1. Finish reading Ch. VII
  2. Write 5 discussion questions and post them at your blog.
  3. Finish the My Map on Buck's Itinerary
  4. Finish the sheet on Events That Change Buck.- The final copy is due Tuesday, 9/29.
WW I Resources

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