Wednesday, December 9, 2015

All-School Picture + HTCHS Debrief + New Deal Debate Prep

Today the 8th Graders:

  • Spent some time being posed and photographed for the All-School Picture
  • Discussing their visit with Holy Trinity Catholic High School students yesterday (which ended up taking place not at HTCHS but at the Cedarbrake Retreat Center. . .hence the modified photo in yesterday's blog post
  • Received several handouts (chronology, cartoons, summaries, Important Points to Remember) on the New Deal for analysis and use in tomorrow's rescheduled New Deal Debate

Assignment for Thursday

  1. Analyze the additional handouts on the New Deal given you in class today; write Pro-New Deal/Anti-New Deal notes on the handouts.
  2. Come prepared to debate.

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