Thursday, December 3, 2015

Quiz Return + New Deal Debate Prep + Crash Course Video on Great Depression

Today the 8th Graders
  • Got back their graded GD/ND Quiz
  • Chose sides for the debate over the question, "Was Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal effective in dealing with the Great Depression?"
    • As no students wanted to answer "no," the teacher will defend the negative side against the students.
    • Anticipated Debate Date: Wednesday, 12/9
  • Watched, paused, and analyzed the Crash Course Video on the Great Depression.
    • As we did not finish, students were to watch and take VideoNotes over the video.
For Friday
  • Finish watching and taking Videonotes over the Crash Course Video on the GD
  • As you watch, take note of arguments you can use in the upcoming debate.
For Wednesday - Debate over the question, "Was Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal effective in dealing with the Great Depression?"

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