Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Crash Course Videos on WW II + Chronology of U. S. Neutrality

Today the Grade 8s:

  • Finished watching, pausing, and analyzing two Crash Course Videos on World War II
  • Analyzed a Chronology of U. S. Neutrality During World War II, focusing on the question, "How neutral was the United States from 1939-1941?"
    • They color coded events on the two-page chronology by highlighting as follows:
      • Pink = Policies toward Great Britain
      • Orange =  Policies for the Western Hemisphere
      • Blue = Policies for U. S. Military Preparedness
      • Yellow = Policies toward Japan 
    • They then analyzed the extent to which the U. S. was neutral with regard to each of the four color-coded policies.
Assignment for Wednesday - Complete the analysis of the Chronology of U. S. Neutrality.

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