Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Axis Aggressions Leading to WW II + Dark Days for the Allies: Axis Conquests 1939-41 + Ambrose's The Good Fight

Today the 8th Graders:

  • Studied the Animated Map of Axis Aggressions Leading to World War II
  • Took a Quiz over the Axis Aggressions
  • Examined a map and chronology of Dark Days for the Allies: Axis Conquests in Europe & North Africa, 1939-41
  • Began reading pp. 4-8 in Stephen E. Ambrose's The Good Fight: How World War II Was Won

Assignments for Thursday--
1. Quiz over Map-Dark Days for the Allies: Axis Conquests, 1939-41
2. Read pp. 4-8 in Stephen E. Ambrose's The Good Fight: How World War II Was Won

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