Friday, March 4, 2016

Seeds of the Sixties (planted in the 1950s) + Collage of the 1950s + Vocabulary Quiz Prep

Todays the 8ths:
  • Watched part of Episode 1 of the PBS series, Making Sense of the Sixties: Seeds of the Sixties (1950s)
  • Analyzed a collage of the 1950s, following these directions:
    • Find a collage or two of the 1950s.
    • Identify everything on the collage that was mentioned in The1950s-Pt. 1-Online U. S. History Textbook. If something is already identified, tell a little bit more about it as described in the chart.
    • Then find pictures of at least 5-7 things found in the chart that are not found in the collage.
Assignments for Monday
  1. Finish the Collage of the 1950s
  2. Quiz over Words #14-26 in Vocabulary - Brief Summary of the Cold War

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