Tuesday, March 1, 2016

President Harry S Truman + The Orwellian Dystopia of 1984

Today the Gr8s:
  • Did some oral drill of the pictures of U. S. Presidents from Truman through Ford
  • Watched, pausing to discuss, parts of two videos on President Harry S Truman:
  • Analyzed highlighted items in 1984 - Teacher's Annotated Text, most of which are key aspects of the Orwellian dystopia. Students are asked to explain what each of the yellow highlighted terms is.

For Wednesday - Finish explaining the yellow highlighted terms in 1984 - Teacher's Annotated Text.

For MondayQuiz over next 13 words in Vocabulary - Brief Summary of the Cold War

For Future Reference:
Presidential Lost Archives: Harry S Truman - 42:29

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