Monday, August 31, 2015

What is History? + "The Past" + Chronology + Time Periods of U. S. History 1900-Present

Click to enlarge.

Today our 8th Graders:
  • Got back their SMERFCAPS  Quizzes from Friday and received congratulations for doing exceptionally well
  • Read p. 2 of What is History?
    • Discussed the concepts of chronological order & time periods
      • Did a simple chronology problem
    • Brainstormed the time periods of U. S. History from 1900-the present
    • Put those periods in chronological order
    • Identified them on a Timeline of U. S. History from the beginning to the present
    • Received a Timeline of U. S. History 1900-Present & compared it with their brainstormings
  • Began working on a Pictorial History of ___, 1900-Present
Assignment for Tuesday - Have pictures and explanations filled in for at least 3 of the decades on the Pictorial History of _(SMERFCAPS)__, 1900-Present or this one.

If you want to start studying for the Timeline Quiz, here's a Blank TL U.S. History 1900-Present.

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