Thursday, August 20, 2015

Review of U. S. History to 1914 + Pre-Reading Activity for Asimov Short Story

Today, the Grade 8ers:
  • Responded to a series of questions on a Google Doc reviewing American history up to the year 1914
  • Wrote individual answers to a question prefiguring our reading and discussion of the Isaac Asimov short story, "The Fun They Had."
  • Were asked to read and come prepared to discuss the Asimov story by tomorrow
Assignments - for Friday, 8/21
1. Finish your primary source Travelogue of your Summer 2015 Travels. Post it at your blog.
2. Finish copying and pasting your Review of U. S. History to 1914 into the Google Doc.
    • Most important events by 1914
    • Time Periods you can remember
    • 5 Most Important People
3. Finish the Pre-Reading activity for the Asimov short story.
4. Read and come prepared to discuss the Asimov short story, "The Fun They Had."

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