Thursday, August 27, 2015

Quizlet + SMERFCAPS + Quiz Prep + Mentoring

Our Grade Eighters today:
  • Visited the online website called Quizlet, set up accounts, and made flash cards over the SMERFCAPS to help them prepare for tomorrow's SMERFCAPS Quiz
    • Used their Quizlets to study for the Quiz
    • Acquainted themselves with Quizlet as much as possible in preparation for mentoring Grades 6/7 on using the online app.
  • Mentored the 6/7s in setting up Quizlet accounts and making online flash cards in preparation for tomorrow's SMERFCAPS Quiz.
Assignment: Thoroughly learn the SMERFCAPS section of the What is History? packet for tomorrow's Quiz. Use Quizlet if you find it helpful, but also feel free to use other methods that help you learn.

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