Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Phases of the Business Cycle + Graph/Timeline on Business Activity 1913-1945 + Stock Prices in 1929 & 1932

Today our 8th Graders:
  • Learned the 4 Main Phases of the Business Cycle: Prosperity--Recession--Recovery--Depression
  • Analyzed a graph/timeline showing The Business Cycle 1913-1945
    • Wrote what they noticed about economic development in the USA during the years indicated
    • Color coded the graph/timeline by time period
  • Analyzed a handout showing stock prices in 1929 and 1932


For Wednesday
  1. Read and study "Brief Descriptions of the Great Depression and New Deal - Quiz Thursday
  2. Try to do the handout on the Stock Market Crash; it shows what happened to stock prices in the Crash of 1929 and then how they were by 1932, three years into the Great Depression.
  • As we were running out of time today, give it a try (especially if Mrs. Holbrooke was able to assist you) and if you can't quite get the hang of it, we'll work on it in class on Wednesday and make it due Thursday.
    For Thursday Quiz over "Brief Descriptions of the Great Depression and New Deal"

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