Monday, November 9, 2015

Only Yesterday + Part 1 of 20s Video + Ch. 24 of Nation of Nations

Today the Eighthies:
  • Each chose 2 chapters from Frederick Lewis Allen, Only Yesterday on which to become the class expert.
  • Viewed the first of 3 videos on The Roaring Twenties, pausing periodically to discuss
  • Were to finish reading Ch. 24-"The New Era" in the textbook Nation of Nations - They were to check out a copy to take home to finish reading.
For Tuesday
1. Finish reading Ch. 24 on "The New Era" (if you haven't yet finished).
2. Be reading and preparing your presentation on the first of your chapters from Frederick Lewis Allen's Only Yesterday.
For Wednesday
1. Be ready to make your presentation on the first of your chapters from Only Yesterday.
2. Your presentation:
  • Should be c. 5-10 minutes long.
  • You may have a note card with 20 words or less to serve as a prompt.
  • Know your information well enough so you don't have to read it.
  • Your PPT should be mostly pictures.
  • You may have short phrases identifying the various pictures.

For Future Reference:
Part 2 of 20s Video
Part 3 of 20s Video

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