Thursday, November 19, 2015

Graph/Timeline of Business Cycle 1913-45 + Simulation Situation (Handout 43)

Today the Grade 8s:

  • Reviewed the Graph/Timeline of the Business Cycle 1913-45, focusing specifically on the Bull Market of 1929, the Stock Market Crash of 1929, and the approach of President Herbert Hoover in dealing with the Great Depression
  • Did Handout 43, which set up a simulation situation in which they imagined themselves to be President Franklin D. Roosevelt coming into office in March 1932 and choosing from 10 policy options submitted by his advisers for dealing with the Depression.
    • Ranked the 10 options in order of imagined effectiveness
    • Wrote a paragraph stating and defending their own policy


For Friday - Finish Handout 43: What Should Be Done About the Depression.

For Tue, 12/1Quiz over "Brief Descriptions of the Great Depression and New Deal"

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