Monday, October 5, 2015

Review of Causes of WW I + Opening Action on Western Front + Trench Warfare

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Today the 8ths:
  • Reviewed the causes of WW I
  • Looked at the opening action on the Western Front
  • Analyzed the German Schlieffen Plan-Before & During
  • Read through and examined diagrams in a packet on Trench Warfare on the Western Front
  • Students were asked to absorb as much of the information on trench warfare as they could, as they will soon be writing a Trench Story describing an attack on a trench system during WW I
  • Found additional information, including videos, online illustrating and explaining trench warfare
Assignments for Tuesday -
  1. Continue finding and reading and absorbing information on trench warfare on the Western Front
  2. Be thinking about possible approaches to the trench story you will soon be writing.

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