Wednesday, October 7, 2015

World War I: "Arming the Earth" Video + Discussion of Discrimination During Wartime + Trench Story + Will's War

Today the Grade 8s:
  • Increased their understanding of WW I trench warfare by viewing part of the video, "Arming the Earth,"  from the Bill Moyers series, A Walk Through the Twentieth Century.
  • Discussed with the Grade 6s & 7s the question, "Should U. S. citizens with foreign surnames from countries against whom we are fighting be discriminated against in time of war?"
  • Continued writing their Trench Story
  • Began reading Janice Woods Windle's Will's War, the story of discrimination against German Texans during World War I
Assignments for Thursday
1. Trench Story is due.
  • At least 1000 words
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Double spaced
  • 1.5-inch margins
2. Will's War
  • Finish filling out the Pre-Will's War Chart.
  • Read through pp. 1-19 in Will's War.
  • Write and post at least 3 discussion questions for each chapter

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