Thursday, October 29, 2015

Will's War Discussion & Analysis + Results of WW I + Europe Before & After WW I

Today the Gr8s
  • Analyzed and evaluated various aspects of Will's War: Will Bergfeld, Anna Bennett, the American Court System (as seen in Will's War), Rockefeller & the Mine Owners at Ludlow, CO; see GooDoc.
  • Took notes on the Results of World War I
  • Analyzed two maps showing Europe Before and After World War I
Assignments for Monday
  1. Finish the GooDoc on Will's War--The Good & The Bad
  2. Do the Map Analysis - Europe Before & After World War I - Write down every change you see that took place in Europe as a result of World War I.
  3. Read Ch. 20 in Will's War & post 5 discussion questions.

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