Tuesday, October 20, 2015

"Over There" Analysis + Will's War Discussion + "Over There Rewrite"

Today our Grade 8's:

  • Analyzed the AEF's favorite marching song, "Over There," by George M. Cohan
  • Focused on emotional appeals in the song: every son of liberty, daddy, sweetheart, flag, mother, etc.
  • Analyzed the tone of the song
  • Experimented with writing the song to a mournful tune
  • Discussed what Will Bergfeld in Will's War would have thought of the song
  • Began rewriting the song from Bergfeld's point of view

For Wednesday
1. Finish rewriting "Over There" from Will Bergfeld's p.o.v.
2. Read Ch. 11 & 12 in Will's War and post 3 discussion questions per chapter.

For Friday - Spelling/Vocabulary Quiz over words from Ch. VI & VII of Will's War

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