Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Final Academic Day of 2015-2016: Congratulations + Looking Back & Forward + Obama Presidency + Imperialism Debate with 6th & 7th Graders

On the last day of regular classes, the First 8th Grade Class in CCS History:
  • Received congratulations and thanks for their hard work and cooperation the past two years
  • Discussed their plans for next year
  • Looked back on some of the highlights of the past school year
  • Viewed a short videoObama Presidency in 2 Minutes
  • Were alerted to a longer video called Obama's First Term - PBS Frontline - 45:05
  • Participated in the Grade 6/7 debate over U. S. Overseas Imperialism

Assignment for Wednesday: Enjoy the final academic night of 2015-2016 despite having no assignments to work on!

Monday, May 23, 2016

1990s, cont'd: Presidents G. H. W. Bush & Bill Clinton + 2000s: Presidents George W. Bush & Barack Obama

Today the lone 8th Grader in attendance:
  • Watched the rest of the segment of the American Presidents video on President G. H. W. Bush, plus the sections on Presidents Bill Clinton & G. W. Bush

Assignment for Tuesday: Finish reading the above chart and be prepared for an informal debate over the question, "Who was the better president: George W. Bush or Barack Obama?

Friday, May 20, 2016

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Field Trip Postponed

Today the 8th Graders were going to go on a field trip to Killeen but got rained out & watched the movie National Treasure instead.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Operation Desert Storm + Presidents GHW Bush & B Clinton

Today the mighty Eighths:

Assignment for Wednesday - Finish the reading on Bush I & Clinton.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Debate: Reagan & the Cold War + President G. H. W. Bush

Today the Men of the 8th:
  • Did an excellent job of debating the question, "Did President Reagan end the Cold War?"
  • Compiled a chronology of the presidency of George Herbert Walker Bush
  • Began reading a summary of their choice of the Bush I Presidency

Assignment for Tuesday

  1. Finish the Chronology of Bush I's Presidency
  2. Finish reading the summary of Bush I's Presidency - Send me the link you read.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Video on Reagan + Prep for Deb over Reagan & the Cold War

Today the 8ths:
Assignment for Monday - Debate over Reagan & the Cold War (See above.)

President Reagan: Discussion of Article + Video Summary

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Discussed the article they read last night on President Ronald Reagan
  • Viewed part of the Reagan portion of a video on U. S. Presidents from 1977-2008
Assignment for Thursday: None

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Video on The Eighties + Review Article on President Reagan

Today the 8ths:
  • Viewed, pausing to discuss, the above video on the Eighties
  • Read and highlighted key points in an article reviewing several full-length books on the Reagan Presidency.
Assignment for Wednesday: Finish reading and highlighting the article on President Reagan.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Review of the 1970s + Overview of 1980s + Reaganomics + Budget Deficits/Surpluses

The Reagan Years
Today the 8th Graders:

  • Welcomed back national traveler Wingboy
  • Discussed some of the concepts he missed last week
  • Discussed some of the key developments of the 1980s
  • Analyzed basic aspects of Reaganomics
  • Analyzed a graph showing budget deficits/surpluses from Carter to Reagan
  • Began an online quiz over the 1970s, found at the bottom of this page: The Seventies - CNN Series

Assignments for Tuesday
    1. The Reagan Years
    2. "Morning in America"
    3. Reaganomics
    4. Foreign and Domestic Entanglements
    5. Life in the 1980s
    6. The End of the Cold War

The Seventies - CNN Series - Web Page
The Eighties - CNN Series - Web Page
The Eighties - NBC News Special - 50:24

Thursday, May 5, 2016

The New Right: Discussion & Crash Course Vid

Today the 8:
  • Discussed last night's reading on The New Right
  • Viewed a Crash Course Video on The Rise of Conservatism during the 1960s/1970s (See above.)
Assignment for Monday (no class Friday) - Read the first 3 pages below on President Ronald Reagan (clicky clicky).

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

1970s: President Carter + Graph Analysis + The New Right

Today the 8th:
  • Finished the Crash Course Video on Ford, Carter, Malaise
  • Examined the handout showing approval ratings, economic growth, inflation, and other factors during the administrations of Presidents Carter, Reagan, Bush I, and Clinton.
  • Began rereading for clarification the Online Textbook pages on Finding Oneself & The New Right during the 1970s
Assignments for Thursday: Reread the Online Textbook pages from last night. (See links above.)

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Presidents Ford & Carter + Economic Terminology + Crash Course Video on Ford & Carter + Articles on Carter & Other Presidents

Today the 8th Grader:
  • Discussed key economic points (especially inflation & real wages) found on these Graphs-Carter-Reagan-Bush I-Clinton
  • Viewed & discussed a Crash Course Video on Ford, Carter, & Malaise (See above.)
  • Began reading 3 articles, two of them on President Jimmy Carter & one on U. S. Presidents from FDR to Reagan

Assignment for Wednesday: Finish reading the 3 articles begun in class.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Watergate Scandal: Video & Essay or Debate Prep

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Viewed a 46-minute video on the Watergate Scandal
  • Chose between an essay and an online debate over the question, "Should President Richard M. Nixon have been impeached and removed from office for his role in the Watergate Scandal?
  • Were to use the following as evidence:
Assignment for Monday:
  1. Gather additional information about the Watergate Scandal 
  2. Use that information plus the other materials we have examined to complete your essay or online debate, as described above.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Thursday - 28apr16

Assignments for Friday

1. Read twice the Watergate page at the Online History Textbok.
2. Write an essay or do a debate or construct a Greaser/Soc dialogue, etc. for The Outsiders. Here are some Possible Ideas for Essay on The Outsiders

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Picture ID-The Outsiders + Discussion of Ch. 9 & 10 of The Outsiders

Today the lads of the 8th:

Assignments for Thursday
1. Finish Picture ID-The Outsiders
2. Read the final two chapters of The Outsiders

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Field Trip to Historic Village in Waco

Village Street

Today the 8th Graders took a field trip to the Gov. Bill and Vara Daniel Historic Village near Baylor University in Waco.

Assignments for Wednesday
  1. Read Ch. 9 & 10 of The Outsiders.
  2. Read these sections on the 1970s from the Online History Textbook (Clicky clicky.)

Monday, April 25, 2016

Overview of 1970s + Arab-Israeli Conflict + The Outsiders

See enlarged views here & here.

Today the 8th Graders:
  • During an overview of the 1970s, students expressed an interest in the 1978 Camp David Accords and consequently explored background information on the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict.
  • Discussed Ch. 8 of The Outsiders.

Assignments for Wednesday

  1. Read Ch. 9 & 10 of The Outsiders.
  2. Read these sections on the 1970s from the Online History Textbook (Clicky clicky.)

Friday, April 22, 2016

Making Sense of the Sixties - Final Episode + Essay on MSotS + Ch. 8 of the Outsiders

Today the 8th Graders:

  • Watched and discussed the final episode of Making Sense of the Sixties
  • Began writing an essay on the series - Suggestions for Essay
  • Participated, if they wanted, with the 6th/7th Graders in the Last Frontier Role Play
  • Began reading Ch. 8 of The Outsiders

Assignments for Monday

  1. Finish reading Ch. 8 of The Outsiders
  2. Finish your Essay on Making Sense of the Sixties

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Making Sense of the Sixties - 1969/70 + The Outsiders

Today the Grade 8s: Viewed and discussed Ep. 9 of Making Sense of the Sixties, focusing on 1969 & 1970

Assignment for Friday: Read Ch. 7 of The Outsiders.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Making Sense of the Sixties: 1968 + Discussion of Ch. 5 of The Outsiders

On this day, the 8th Graders:

  • Watched Episode 9 of Making Sense of the Sixties, focusing on the year 1968
  • Held an insightful discussion of Ch. 5 of The Outsiders

Assignment for Thursday: Read Ch. 6 of The Outsiders.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Friday, April 15, 2016

Grandparents Day Celebration + Outsiders Ch. 3

Today the 8th Graders:

  • Celebrated Grandparents Day
  • Began reading Ch. 3 of The Outsiders

Assignment for Monday: Finish reading Ch. 3 of The Outsiders

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Discussion of Ch. 1 of The Outsiders + Primary Sources from The Vietnam War

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Discussed Ch. 1 of The Outsiders
  • Viewed a student's grandfather's primary sources from the Vietnam War
  • Began reading Ch. 2 of The Outsiders
Assignment for Friday: Finish reading Ch. 2 of The Outsiders

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Correctives + Vietnam: Overview, cont'd + Timeline + Online Textbook

Today the 8ths:
  • Did correctives on their JFK/LBJ Quiz
  • Continued their overview of the Vietnam War
  • Viewed Vietnam War-5 min. summary-From America in 20th Century Series
Assignment for Wednesday: Finish reading the Vietnam pages listed above.

For Future Reference:

Monday, April 11, 2016

Discussion of A Separate Peace + Vietnam War Overview

Today the 8ths:
  • Had perhaps our final discussion of A Separate Peace; the students shared excellent insights; the character diagram below is interesting, despite the misspelling of the novel's title; I was going to show it to you earlier, but it would have spoiled a couple of key plot developments.
  • Began taking notes on basic information about the Vietnam War
  • Began reading a packet of timelines, summaries, and clashing points of view about the Vietnam War
Assignment for Tuesday: Finish reading (a couple of times each) the two timelines, the summary, and the maps of the Vietnam War. We will continue our overview of the war tomorrow.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Quiz over JFK/LBJ + A Separate Peace

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Took their Quiz over JFK & LBJ
  • Began reading Ch. 11-13 of A Separate Peace
  • Were given a heads-up on the current week, which will revolve around standardized testing, during which there will be no or abbreviated regular class sessions. On Friday students will be taking a field trip to Peaceable Kingdom.
Assignment for Monday, 4/11/16 - Finish reading Ch. 11-12-13 of A Separate Peace.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Google Slides Illustrating JFK & LBJ + Prep for Monday's Quiz over JFK & LBJ

Today the Grade 8's:

Assignment for Monday: Quiz over Parts 56b, 56c, & 56e of the Online Textbook Chart on the 1960s: JFK & LBJ

Video - From Truman to Ford

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Making Sense of the Sixties + JFK & LBJ + A Separate Peace

Today the Grade 8ers:

  • Viewed & discussed Making Sense of the Sixties - Part 5 on the Counterculture
  • Began reading Ch. 9 & 10 of A Separate Peace


For Friday - Finish reading Ch. 9 & 10 of A Separate Peace

For Monday - Quiz over Online Textbook Chart on the 1960s -  Parts 56b, 56c, & 56e on JFK & LBJ

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Making Sense of the Sixties-Part 4 + A Separate Peace-Ch. 6 & 7

Today the 8th Graders:

  • Began reading Ch. 6 & 7 of John Knowles's A Separate Peace

Assignment for Thursday: Finish reading Ch. 6 & 7 of ASP and come prepared to discuss it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A Separate Peace: Discussion of Ch. 4 & 5 + Reading Ch. 6

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Had an excellent discussion of Ch. 4 & 5 of A Separate Peace
  • Did silent reading of Ch. 6 of A Separate Peace
Assignment for Wednesday: Finish reading Ch. 6 of ASP.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

A Separate Peace Discussion + Reading A Separate Peace, Ch. 4 & 5

Today the Gr8s:
  • Held an in-depth discussion of Ch. 1-3 of John Knowles' A Separate Peace
  • Began reading Ch. 4 & 5 of ASP
Assignments for Tuesday
  1. Finish reading Ch. 4 & 5 of A Separate Peace
  2. Happy Easter & enjoy your 4-day weekend!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Overview of 1960s + Making Sense of the Sixties: Early 60s + A Separate Peace

Politics from Camelot to Watergate
Today the Eighths:

Assignments for Thursday

  1. Finish reading Chart-Online Textbook-1960s Politics-Ike-JFK-LBJ-Nixon.
  2. Finish reading Ch. 3 of A Separate Peace

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Conformity in the 1950s & Today + Civil Rights Movement + Ch. 1 & 2 of A Separate Peace

Today the 8ths:
  • Discussed the pros & cons of conformity: in the 1950s & generally
  • Listened to & discussed Malvina Reynolds' 1962 song, "Little Boxes"
  • Discussed the civil rights movement of the 1950s
  • Discussed Ch. 1 of Knowles, A Separate Peace
  • Began reading Ch. 2 of ASP
Assignment for Wednesday - Read & be prepared to discuss Ch. 2 of ASP.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Today the Eighths:

Assignments for Tuesday

  1. Finish the Conformity Survey. Use The 1950s-Online U.S. Textbook Pages-Part 1 and the Seeds of the Sixties video to job your memory.
  2. Finish reading Ch. 1 of John Knowles, A Separate Peace.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Hiroshima Discussion + Seeds of the Sixties, Pt. 2

Today the Eighths:

Assignment for Thursday: Read and be ready to discuss Ch. III of Hiroshima

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Seeds of the Sixties + Hiroshima Discussion

Today the 8th Graders:
Assignment for Wednesday: Read Ch. 2 of Hiroshima.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Vocab Quiz Br. Summ. CW 2 + Making Sense + Hersey's Hiroshima

Today the 8ths:

Assignment for Tuesday: Finish Chapter 1 of Hiroshima - "A Noiseless Flash"

Friday, March 4, 2016

Seeds of the Sixties (planted in the 1950s) + Collage of the 1950s + Vocabulary Quiz Prep

Todays the 8ths:
  • Watched part of Episode 1 of the PBS series, Making Sense of the Sixties: Seeds of the Sixties (1950s)
  • Analyzed a collage of the 1950s, following these directions:
    • Find a collage or two of the 1950s.
    • Identify everything on the collage that was mentioned in The1950s-Pt. 1-Online U. S. History Textbook. If something is already identified, tell a little bit more about it as described in the chart.
    • Then find pictures of at least 5-7 things found in the chart that are not found in the collage.
Assignments for Monday
  1. Finish the Collage of the 1950s
  2. Quiz over Words #14-26 in Vocabulary - Brief Summary of the Cold War

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

1984 Newspeak Analysis + Truman Documentary + Evaluation of Truman's Presidency

Today the Eighthies:


For Thursday
1. Finish the video Truman Documentary The American Experience.
2. Make a chart evaluating Truman's presidency: 2 columns, one for The Good and one for The Bad.

For MondayQuiz over next 13 words in Vocabulary - Brief Summary of the Cold War

For Future Reference
PBS-The American Experience - Truman

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

President Harry S Truman + The Orwellian Dystopia of 1984

Today the Gr8s:
  • Did some oral drill of the pictures of U. S. Presidents from Truman through Ford
  • Watched, pausing to discuss, parts of two videos on President Harry S Truman:
  • Analyzed highlighted items in 1984 - Teacher's Annotated Text, most of which are key aspects of the Orwellian dystopia. Students are asked to explain what each of the yellow highlighted terms is.

For Wednesday - Finish explaining the yellow highlighted terms in 1984 - Teacher's Annotated Text.

For MondayQuiz over next 13 words in Vocabulary - Brief Summary of the Cold War

For Future Reference:
Presidential Lost Archives: Harry S Truman - 42:29

Monday, February 29, 2016

1984 Discussion + McCarthyism Documentary, cont'd + Reading 1984

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Discussed how political parties in the early Cold War Period might have used Orwell's 1984 and McCarthyism to advance their political goals
  • Viewed more of the documentary on McCarthyism we began watching on Friday
  • Read some of Ch. 4 of 1984

For Tuesday: Read and come prepared to discuss Ch. 4 of Orwell's 1984.

For Friday - Quiz over next 20 words in Vocabulary - Brief Summary of the Cold War

Friday, February 26, 2016

Ch. Summaries of 1984 + Documentary on McCarthyism + Reading 1984

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Wrote summaries from memory of Ch. 1 & 2 of Orwell's 1984
  • Discussed McCarthyism
  • Viewed the first 17+ minutes of Enemies Within: Joseph McCarthy - 1:32:07
  • Began reading Ch. 3 of 1984
Assignment for Monday - Finish reading Ch. 3 of 1984

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Vision/Hearing Screening + Time Line + 1984 + Truman Domestic Policy + McCarthyism

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Had their vision & hearing screened
  • Examined a Time Line of U. S. History Since World War II, focusing on:
    • The Cold War
    • The interplay between the Cold War and domestic politics
    • McCarthyism
    • Korean War
    • Vietnam War
  • Briefly discussed 1984
  • Began reading the pages on the online U. S. history textbook on Truman's Domestic Policy ("Domestic Challenges") & McCarthyism
Assignments for Friday
  1. Finish reading "Domestic Challenges" & "McCarthyism."
  2. Review Ch. 1 & 2 in 1984 discussion and possible pop quiz.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Korean War Documentary + Orwell's 1984

Today the 8th Graders:
Assignment for Thursday
  1. Finish watching the Korean War Documentary
  2. Finish reading Ch. 2 of Orwell's 1984 and come prepared to discuss it.
Korean War Videos

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Korean War + Orwell's 1984

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Shared analyses of the 4-map sequence on the Korean War
  • Supplemented the color 4-map sequence with information from another sequence. Both are found on this PPT, Two 4-Map Korean War Sequences.
  • Read a summary and began reading a 1997 Newsweek article on the Korean War
  • Began reading Chapter 1 of George Orwell - 1984
Assignments for Wednesday
  1. Finish reading the packet on the Korean War including the 1997 Newsweek article.
  2. Read and come prepared to discuss Chapter 1 of 1984.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Sp/Vocab Quiz + Korean War

Today the 8ths:

Assignment for Tuesday - Finish the 4-Map Sequence on the Korean War

Friday, February 19, 2016

Vocab QuizPrep + Cold War Begins + Online US History Textook on Cold War + Evaluation of Truman's Cold War Policies

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Discussed the words for Monday's Quiz over Vocabulary - Brief Summary of the Cold War
  • Began focusing on the first of a series of key Cold War topics
  • Focused today on The Cold War Begins (the first 5 years of the CW): Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Berlin Airlift, NATO, Point Four, & Korean War
  • After reading and discussing a chronological descriptions of the events, students read the following pages from the Online US History Textbook: (clicky clicky)
    1. The Cold War Erupts
    2. The United Nations
    3. Containment and the Marshall Plan
    4. The Berlin Airlift and NATO
    5. The Korean War
  • Wrote an evaluation of President Harry S Truman's handling of the first five years of the Cold War

For Monday 
  1. Turn in the evaluation of Truman's handling of the Cold War beginnings
  2. Quiz over Vocabulary - Brief Summary of the Cold War

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Cold War Quiz Celebration + Chronology of the Cold War + Where Historians Disagree About the Cold War

Today the 8th Graders:

  • Got back their graded Quiz: A Brief Summary of the Cold War
  • Worked on the Chronology of the Cold War assignment they were supposed to have done before they arrived to class today.
  • Built on a Quiz question assessing who was more responsible for the Cold War by reading and discussing an essay in the Where Historians Disagree series called Origins of the Cold War


For Friday - Finish reading Origins of the Cold War, writing notes in the margin on various historians' arguments as to who was more responsible for the Cold War.

For Monday Quiz over Vocabulary - Brief Summary of the Cold War

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Cold War Quiz + Chronology of the Cold War

Click here for enlargeable view.

On this very day the 8ths:

For Thursday - Finish the Chronology of the Cold War

For Monday Quiz over Vocabulary - Brief Summary of the Cold War

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Crash Course Video on Cold War + Brief Summary of the Cold War + Quiz Prep on Cold War

                                              Click here for enlargeable view.

On this day, the Gr8s:

For Wednesday - Quiz over Brief Summary of the Cold War

For Monday- Quiz over Vocabulary - Brief Summary of the Cold War

For Future Reference

America in the 20th Century: The Cold War - 2:11:55 - YouTube

Friday, February 12, 2016

Overview of the Cold War, cont'd + Illustrating the Cold War

                                        Click here for enlargeable view.

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Continued reading & discussing the Brief Summary of the Cold War
  • Continued adding pictures to illustrate key Cold War people, events, & topics mentioned in the Brief Summary.

For Saturday, Sunday, Monday: Enjoy your 3-day weekend! Happy Presidents Day!

For Tuesday
1. Finish reading Brief Summary of the Cold War.
2. Add pictures illustrating various aspects of the Cold War mentioned in the Brief Summary.

For Wednesday - Quiz over Brief Summary of the Cold War

For Future Reference
The Cold War - Crash Course World History
The Cold War - Crash Course US History
The Cold War in Asia - Crash Course US History
The American Experience: The Cold War - 2:11:55

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Cold War Overview, cont'd + Illustrations of the Cold War

Today the Grade 8s:
  • Continued reading and analyzing the Brief Summary of the Cold War.
  • Used the maps and online photos to emphasize various points made in the Brief Summary
  • Began finding and pasting into the Brief Summary pictures illustrating the various people, concepts, and events.

For Friday - Finish finding and pasting pictures into the Brief Summary of the Cold War, as begun in class today.
You only have to do the first two sections by tomorrow (Introduction & The Iron Curtain & Containment).

For Tuesday - Quiz over Brief Summary of the Cold War

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Code Talker Battle PPT, cont'd + Cold War Overview

Today the 8ths:
Assignment for Thursday - Finish the Code Talker Battle PPT

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Tuesday, 9feb16 - Code Talkers Video(s) + Mapping a Battle from Code Talker

Please cooperate with our substitute today, students.
  • Our focus will be on the Navajo Code Talkers.
  • You will do two main activities:
Video-Navajo Code Talkers
PPT of a Code Talker Battle
1. Choose any one of the following battles described in Code Talker. (Each student should take a different battle.)
  • Bougainville - Ch. 18
  • Guam - Ch. 21
  • Iwo Jima - Ch. 24, 25, 26
  • Okinawa - Ch. 27
2. Make a PowerPoint to illustrate what is described:
  • Map of the Battle - from departure from the ship to the beach landing to the battle to their leaving the island
  • Pictures of the Battle - Look especially for things mentioned in the book.
  • Approximate route taken by the book's story teller
  • Approximate location of anything he describes.
  • Anything else you could include that would be appropriate
3. Get as much done on this today as you can.
  • It will not be due tomorrow.
  • I will check with you on Wednesday to see how far you have gotten and decide on a due date then.

For Wednesday - Video Notes on Navajo Code Talkers

For Thursday or Friday - PowerPoint on Code Talker Battle

Monday, February 8, 2016

Patton Speech(es) + Results of WW II + Code Talker

Today the 8ths:
  • Watched an excerpt of the famous opening speech in the movie Patton
  • Compared this with an excerpt from an actual speech by General George S. Patton
  • Finished taking notes on Results of World War II
  • Read some of the final chapters from Code Talker
Assignment for Tuesday: Finish reading Code Talker through p. 224. (Ch. 27, 28, 29, & Author's Note)

Friday, February 5, 2016

Results of WW II + Code Talker

See other useful Cold War maps here.

Today the 8ths:
  • Took notes and examined maps and pictures on Results of World War II
  • Read as much as they could of Ch. 23-26 in Code Talker
Assignment for Monday: Read and come to class prepared to discuss Ch. 23-26 in Code Talker.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Saving Private Ryan + Code Talker List & Discussion

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Watched the D-Day sequence of Saving Private Ryan in order to get an idea of what it was like to participate in an amphibious assault in a Higgins boat
  • Listed the most memorable and interesting parts thus far of Joseph Bruchac's Code Talker
  • Discussed Ch. 15-18 of Code Talker
Assignments for Friday
1. Finish your list of Code Talker highlights & post it to the Google Document.
2. Read Code Talker, Ch. 19-22 and come prepared to discuss them.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Finished the WW II Video + Read More Code Talker

Today the 8th Graders:

  • Finally finished the long color video surveying World War II
  • Read Ch. 15-18 in Code Talker

Assignment for Thursday: Finish reading Ch. 15-18 in Code Talker and come prepared to discuss it.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

WW II Video, cont'd + A-Bomb Debate

Today the 8ths:

  • Watched the WW II in Color video from right after D-Day to Okinawa
  • Continued the Atomic Bomb Debate, today doing it online

Assignment for Wednesday -

  1. Finish the A-Bomb Online Debate by the time you arrive for class
  2. Read and come prepared to discuss Ch. 12-14 in Code Talker

Monday, February 1, 2016

Organizational Matters + WW II Video, cont'd + A-Bomb Debate

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Spent a while making sure all required assignments were available for grading
  • Watched the D-Day portion of the World War II in Color video
  • Debated, without being fully prepared, "Should the United States have dropped the atomic bombs?"
Assignments for Tuesday
1. Continue the a-bomb debate. Read back over the a-bomb packet and come fully prepared.
2. Read Ch. 7-11 in Code Talker. Come prepared to discuss these chapters.

Friday, January 29, 2016

WW II Video, cont'd + Thinglink Assistance

Today the 8th Graders:

  • Continued watching, pausing, and discussing the World War II in Color Video, making it to the cusp of D-Day, June 6, 1944
  • Helped the 6th & 7th Graders learn to use the Thinglink online app

Assignment for Monday: Be prepared to discuss/impromptu debate the question, "Should the United States have dropped the atomic bombs?" Underline, highlight, color code the arguments for and against in the A-Bomb Packet given you in class yesterday.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Quiz over WW II in Pacific +Atomic Bomb Packet

Today the 8th Graders:

  • Took the Quiz over WW II in the Pacific
  • Began reading a packet of opinions on the question, "Should the United States have dropped the atomic bombs?"

Assignment for Friday

  1. Finish reading the atomic bomb packet.
  2. Come prepared to discuss and informally debate the propriety of dropping the a-bombs.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

World War II in the Pacific + Discussion of Code Talkers

Today the Gr8s:
  • Got back yesterday's graded WW II Quiz over Allied Victory in Europe & North Africa
  • Used a map to trace the steps in the Allied Victory in the Pacific
  • Did some drill in preparation for tomorrow's Quiz over the Pacific Theater
  • Discussed Ch. 1-6 of Joseph Bruchac's Code Talker: A Novel About the Navajo Marines of World War Two
Assignment for Thursday: Quiz over the Pacific Theater in WW II

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Today the 8th Graders:

  • Took the Quiz over World War II: Allied Victory in Europe & North Africa
  • Began studying the chronological map on Allied Victory in the Pacific.


For Wednesday - Read & come to class prepared to discuss Ch. 3-6 in Code Talkers.

For Thursday or Friday - Quiz over map/info over Allied Victory in the Pacific

Monday, January 25, 2016

World War II Video, cont'd + Quiz Prep

Today the 8ths:
  • Watched the conclusion of the Pearl Harbor video begun last Tuesday
  • Continued watching the World War II in Color video begun Thursday, 1/14/16
  • Studied collaboratively in preparing for tomorrow's Quiz over Allied Victory in Europe/North Africa
Assignment for Tuesday: Quiz over Allied Victory in Europe & North Africa

Friday, January 22, 2016

Review of Allied Victory in Europe & North Africa + Quiz Prep

Today the 8th Graders:

  • Shared key facts about World War II with their former classmate visiting from out of town.
  • Studied for Tuesday's Quiz over the Allied Victory in Europe & North Africa

Assignment for Tuesday: Quiz over the Allied Victory in Europe & North Africa

  1. Learn the numbered chronology of the battles.
  2. Learn the brief descriptions of the battles running down the right side of the page.

For Future Reference

D-Day Animated Maps

BBC - History - World Wars: Animated Map: Operation ...

Thursday, January 21, 2016

WW II: Allied Victory in Europe & North Africa + Readings in Ambrose's The Good Fight

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Studied, color coded, & annotated a step-by-step map of the Allies' defeat of the Axis Powers in Europe & North Africa
  • Read relevant chapters in Stephen Ambrose's WW II book, The Good Fight
Assignment for Friday: Finish reading these chapters in Ambrose:
  • p. 22 - Battle of the Atlantic
  • 27 - 28 - Operation Torch (N. Africa)
  • 32  - Operation Husky (Sicily)
  • 34-36 - Campaign in Italy
  • 44 - The Air War Over Europe
  • 48 & 52 - D-Day

Click here to enlarge.

Other useful maps:
Here, here, here, here, here, here, here.