Thursday, December 17, 2015

Brief Summary of WW II + Discussion of "The Gift of the Magi"

Today the 8ths:

  • Began reading & discussing A Brief Summary of World War II

  • Discussed with the 6th & 7th Graders O. Henry's short story, The Gift of the Magi

Assignments - None

PPT-"The Gift of the Magi"--Sequencing, Analyzing, Evaluating

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Began World War II (so to speak) + Pre-Reading Writing for "The Gift of the Magi" + Calligraphy, cont'd

Today the 8ths:
  • Began our study of World War II
  • Collaborated on a Google Doc comparing World War I with World War II

  • Did a writing activity prior to reading the O. Henry short story, "The Gift of the Magi."
  • Continued practicing calligraphy with the 6th/7th Graders

Assignment for ThursdayRead and come prepared to discuss the O. Henry short story, "The Gift of the Magi." (Clicky clicky.)

"O. Henry" is the pseudonym of William Sidney Porter. The writer's life story is pretty interesting. For awhile he lived in Austin, TX and has a middle school there named for him (despite--or because of???--his being a convicted embezzler who served time in prison) On a side note, my beloved Lamar Scotties played the O. Henry Mustangs when I was in Eighth Grade. I'm pretty sure we beat 'em. Click for the Wikipedia article on O. Henry.

You tellin' me this is the face of a crook???

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Great Depression & New Deal Vids + Calligraphy

Today the 8th Graders:

  • Viewed & discussed excerpts from videos on the Great Depression, FDR & the New Deal
  • Continued working with the Grades Sixes & Sevens on Calligraphy

Assignments for Wednesday- None

Monday, December 14, 2015

New Deal Cartoons + Calligraphy Lesson

Today the 8thers:

  • Applied their knowledge of Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal by analyzing contemporary cartoons for and against the New Deal
  • Joined the 6thers & 7thers in a calligraphy lesson (that the 8thers had begun one year ago)

Assignment for Tuesday: Finish your analysis of the New Deal cartoons.

For Future Reference:

FDR-The Secret Archives

Friday, December 11, 2015

Grade Check/Makeup Work + Stories from the Great Depression

Today the Grade 8s:
  • Got their grades so far for the 2nd Quarter, corrected any misentries, and made up some excused missed work
  • Worked on the Stories from the Great Depression assignment, the due date of which is extended until Monday

Assignment for Monday: Make the chart showing good and bad aspects of the Great Depression as seen in the collection of primary source stories assigned yesterday. To refresh your memory, here's what's expected:
  1. Finish reading the Stories from the Great Depression. The reading shows a variety of experiences, both favorable and unfavorable.
  2. Make a table showing ways in which the Great Depression was badgood, or neautral, as seen in these stories.
Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, December 10, 2015

New Deal Debate + Stories from the Great Depression

Today the Gr8s:
  • Debated brilliantly the question, "Was the New Deal effective in dealing with the Great Depression?"
    • It was students vs. teacher, as both students wanted to defend the New Deal.
    • The teacher was barely able to hold his own against the well-prepared, cogently argued case presented and defended by the students. (Some might say he was not even able to hold his own.)
  • Read and analyzed Stories from the Great Depression found on The Frugal Farmer blog

Assignment for Friday

  1. Finish reading the Stories from the Great Depression. The reading shows a variety of experiences, both favorable and unfavorable.
  2. Make a table showing ways in which the Great Depression was bad, good, or neautral, as seen in these stories.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

All-School Picture + HTCHS Debrief + New Deal Debate Prep

Today the 8th Graders:

  • Spent some time being posed and photographed for the All-School Picture
  • Discussing their visit with Holy Trinity Catholic High School students yesterday (which ended up taking place not at HTCHS but at the Cedarbrake Retreat Center. . .hence the modified photo in yesterday's blog post
  • Received several handouts (chronology, cartoons, summaries, Important Points to Remember) on the New Deal for analysis and use in tomorrow's rescheduled New Deal Debate

Assignment for Thursday

  1. Analyze the additional handouts on the New Deal given you in class today; write Pro-New Deal/Anti-New Deal notes on the handouts.
  2. Come prepared to debate.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Visit to Holy Trinity Catholic High School

Today the 8th Graders visited Holy Trinity Catholic High School, leaving their teachers and classmates bereft of their presence. We look forward to their soon return.


For Wednesday -

  1. Finish analyzing Statistics and the New Deal in preparation for the ND Debate (if you didn't turn them in on Monday)
  2. Debate over the question, "Was the New Deal effective in dealing with the Great Depression.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Statistics Analysis + Economic Concepts + Debate Prep

Today the 8th Greaters:
  • Prepared for Wednesday's New Deal Debate by analyzing a handout called "Statistics and the New Deal"
  • Discussed the economic concepts of deficit spending, public debt, government borrowing, and interest rates

For Tuesday - Finish analyzing Statistics and the New Deal in preparation for the ND Debate

For Wednesday - Debate over the question, "Was the New Deal effective in dealing with the Great Depression.

Friday, December 4, 2015

GD/ND Illustrations + Crash Course Vid on ND + Debate Prep

Today the Gr8 8s:
  • Showed their illustrations of the Brief Descriptions of the Great Depression & New Deal
  • Discussed some subsidiary issues such as "revenue," "expenditures," & "PROFIT."
  • Began watching the Crash Course Video-The New Deal together and finished it later
  • Were to watch it a second time and take notes for the upcoming New Deal Debate

For Monday - View the Crash Course Video-The New Deal a total of at least 2 times & take Debate Notes: Was the New Deal effective in dealing with the Great Depression?

For Wednesday - Debate over the question, "Was Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal effective in dealing with the Great Depression?"

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Quiz Return + New Deal Debate Prep + Crash Course Video on Great Depression

Today the 8th Graders
  • Got back their graded GD/ND Quiz
  • Chose sides for the debate over the question, "Was Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal effective in dealing with the Great Depression?"
    • As no students wanted to answer "no," the teacher will defend the negative side against the students.
    • Anticipated Debate Date: Wednesday, 12/9
  • Watched, paused, and analyzed the Crash Course Video on the Great Depression.
    • As we did not finish, students were to watch and take VideoNotes over the video.
For Friday
  • Finish watching and taking Videonotes over the Crash Course Video on the GD
  • As you watch, take note of arguments you can use in the upcoming debate.
For Wednesday - Debate over the question, "Was Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal effective in dealing with the Great Depression?"

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Quiz Completion + Handout 43 & the Political Spectrum + Illustrated GooSlide of GD/ND

Today our Grade 8ers:
  • Finished the Quiz over the GD/ND
  • Discussed Handout 43, noting that the 10 options for dealing with the Great Depression reflected points of view along the political spectrum from 
  • Continued working on their collaborative GooSlide PPT illustrating the Brief Descriptions of the Great Depression & New Deal
Assignment for Thursday - Finish the Illustrated GooSlide PPT of the Great Depression & New Deal.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Quiz over GD/ND + Chart of New Deal Agencies + Illustrated GD/ND

Today the 8th Graders:
  • Took part of the Quiz over the Brief Description of the Great Depression & New Deal
  • Worked on a simple chart on New Deal Agencies
  • Worked on an illustrated PowerPoint of the Brief Description of GD/ND--due Thursday

For Wednseday - Finish the Chart: New Deal Agencies

For Thursday - Finish the Illustrated PPT of GD/ND

Monday, November 30, 2015

Quiz Prep-Brief Description of Great Depression/New Deal

Today the 8th Graders

  • Read, analyzed, and discussed Brief Descriptions of the Great Depression & New Deal
  • Worked together to prepare for tomorrow's Quiz over the GD/ND

Assignment for TuesdayQuiz over Brief Descriptions of Great Depression & New Deal

Friday, November 20, 2015

Thanksgiving Sjaromg Feast

Today the 8th Graders helped teachers and parents get things set up for the Sharing Feast.


For the week of November 23-27 (and the weekends before and after) - 
Enjoy your Thanksgiving hols!!

For Tue, 12/1Quiz over "Brief Descriptions of the Great Depression and New Deal"

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Graph/Timeline of Business Cycle 1913-45 + Simulation Situation (Handout 43)

Today the Grade 8s:

  • Reviewed the Graph/Timeline of the Business Cycle 1913-45, focusing specifically on the Bull Market of 1929, the Stock Market Crash of 1929, and the approach of President Herbert Hoover in dealing with the Great Depression
  • Did Handout 43, which set up a simulation situation in which they imagined themselves to be President Franklin D. Roosevelt coming into office in March 1932 and choosing from 10 policy options submitted by his advisers for dealing with the Depression.
    • Ranked the 10 options in order of imagined effectiveness
    • Wrote a paragraph stating and defending their own policy


For Friday - Finish Handout 43: What Should Be Done About the Depression.

For Tue, 12/1Quiz over "Brief Descriptions of the Great Depression and New Deal"

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Class Pictures + Stock Prices 1929 & 1932


  • Most of the period was spent in the sanctuary getting class pictures taken.
  • Students continued working on the exercise on stock prices in 1929 & 1932, giving students a sense of how much stocks plunged as a result of the Stock Market Crash of 1929 & the Great Depression.


For Thursday - Complete the worksheet on stock prices in 1929 & 1932

For Tue, 12/1Quiz over "Brief Descriptions of the Great Depression and New Deal"

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Phases of the Business Cycle + Graph/Timeline on Business Activity 1913-1945 + Stock Prices in 1929 & 1932

Today our 8th Graders:
  • Learned the 4 Main Phases of the Business Cycle: Prosperity--Recession--Recovery--Depression
  • Analyzed a graph/timeline showing The Business Cycle 1913-1945
    • Wrote what they noticed about economic development in the USA during the years indicated
    • Color coded the graph/timeline by time period
  • Analyzed a handout showing stock prices in 1929 and 1932


For Wednesday
  1. Read and study "Brief Descriptions of the Great Depression and New Deal - Quiz Thursday
  2. Try to do the handout on the Stock Market Crash; it shows what happened to stock prices in the Crash of 1929 and then how they were by 1932, three years into the Great Depression.
  • As we were running out of time today, give it a try (especially if Mrs. Holbrooke was able to assist you) and if you can't quite get the hang of it, we'll work on it in class on Wednesday and make it due Thursday.
    For Thursday Quiz over "Brief Descriptions of the Great Depression and New Deal"

    Monday, November 16, 2015

    Only Yesterday Presentations, cont'd + Conservative Policies of Twenties Presidents

    Today the 8ths:
    • Presented & took notes on the Stock Market Crash of 1929 & the Great Depression (based on Frederick Lewis Allen's Only Yesterday
    • Continued analyzing Conservative Policies of 3 Twenties Presidents (Harding-Coolidge-Hoover), as described here.
    Assignment for Tue - Finish analyzing Conservative Policies of 3 Twenties Presidents

    Friday, November 13, 2015

    Presentation on F. L. Allen's Only Yesterday + Greek Museum

    Today the 8ths:
    • Continued presentations on Frederick Lewis Allen's book on the Roaring 20s, Only Yesterday; click here to see notes taken thus far.
    • Visited and learned from the excellent Greek Museum set up by the 3rd Graders in the school library
    Assignment for Monday: Be ready to give your Only Yesterday presentation if you've not yet done so.

    Have a Gr8 Weekend!

    Thursday, November 12, 2015

    CAC Science Fun + "Bartleby" Discussion

    Today the Eighthies:

    For Friday - Wes will present the second of his two chapters & Jay will present the first of his two chapters.

    For Monday - Jay will present the second of his two chapters.

    Wednesday, November 11, 2015

    Only Yesterday Presentation + Conservative Policies of Three Twenties Presidents

    Today the 8th Graders:

    • Presented and learned from a presentation on Frederick Lewis Allen's Only Yesterday: Ch. X: Alcohol and Al Capone
    • Analyzed charts, timelines, and quotations on the Conservative Policies of Three Twenties Presidents: Harding, Coolidge, & Hoover


    For Thursday - No Assignment - CAC Field Trip

    For Friday - Wes will present the second of his two chapters & Jay will present the first of his two chapters.

    For Monday - Jay will present the second of his two chapters.

    Tuesday, November 10, 2015

    Cultural & Social Changes during the Roaring 20s + Part 2 of 20s Video + Only Yesterday Presentation Preparations

    Today the 8ths:
    • Discussed cultural and social changes during the 1920s, with particular attention to advertising, mass culture, and the changing role of women
    • Viewed & periodically paused to discuss Part 2 of the Roaring Twenties video
    • Reviewed the requirements for the Only Yesterday presentations; click here for written instructions
    • Worked on Only Yesterday presentations

    For Wednesday - Wes will present the first of his two chapters from Only Yesterday.

    For Thursday - Wes will present the second of his two chapters.

    For Friday - Jay will present the first of his two chapters.

    For Monday - Jay will present the second of his two chapters.

    Monday, November 9, 2015

    Only Yesterday + Part 1 of 20s Video + Ch. 24 of Nation of Nations

    Today the Eighthies:
    • Each chose 2 chapters from Frederick Lewis Allen, Only Yesterday on which to become the class expert.
    • Viewed the first of 3 videos on The Roaring Twenties, pausing periodically to discuss
    • Were to finish reading Ch. 24-"The New Era" in the textbook Nation of Nations - They were to check out a copy to take home to finish reading.
    For Tuesday
    1. Finish reading Ch. 24 on "The New Era" (if you haven't yet finished).
    2. Be reading and preparing your presentation on the first of your chapters from Frederick Lewis Allen's Only Yesterday.
    For Wednesday
    1. Be ready to make your presentation on the first of your chapters from Only Yesterday.
    2. Your presentation:
    • Should be c. 5-10 minutes long.
    • You may have a note card with 20 words or less to serve as a prompt.
    • Know your information well enough so you don't have to read it.
    • Your PPT should be mostly pictures.
    • You may have short phrases identifying the various pictures.

    For Future Reference:
    Part 2 of 20s Video
    Part 3 of 20s Video

    Friday, November 6, 2015

    Quiz over Roaring 20s Brief Summary + Reading on 20s

    Today our 8ths:
    • Took their Quiz over the Brief Summary of the Roaring 20s
    • Read the first half of a textbook chapter on the 20s
    Assignments: None

    Thursday, November 5, 2015

    Illustrations of Brief Summary of the 20s + Timeline of Twenties Presidents + Quiz Prep

    Assignment for Friday -
    1. Study well for the Quiz over

    • A Brief Summary of the Roaring 20s - words & pictures
    • Timeline of Twenties Presidents (names of presies, dates of their administration, nicknames)

    2. Have your GooSlides Illustrating the Brief Summary of the Roaring 20s ready for grading. Studying it should help you on the Quiz, too!

    Wednesday, November 4, 2015

    Roaring 20's, cont'd

    Today the 8ths:
    • Finished reading and discussing the Brief Summary of the Roaring Twenties
    • Watched a Crash Course Video on the Roaring Twenties

    • Collaborated on a Google Slides presentation illustrating people and concepts mentioned in the Brief Summary of the Roaring Twenties


    For Thursday - Collaborate on a slideshow on the Roaring 20s.
    1. Find and label pictures illustrating as much of the Brief Summary of the Roaring 20s as you can. 
    2. Do this on a Google Slides document.
    For Friday - Quiz over Brief Summary of Roaring Twenties

    Tuesday, November 3, 2015

    Roaring 20's

    Today the 8th Graders:
    • Began reading and analyzing a Brief Summary of the Roaring 20's
    • Collaborated with the 6th and 7th Graders in reading a play called "Symbols of the 1920s"

    For Wednesday - Read and come prepared to discuss Ch. 23 & 24 of Will's War.

    For Thursday - Quiz over Brief Summary of Roaring 20's

    Monday, November 2, 2015

    Class Discussion of Will's War + Begin Study of Roaring 20's

    Today the 8ths:

    • Analyzed Will as a witness in his own defense
    • Debated which was the better lawyer: Prosecutor O'Dell or Defense Atty Atwell - notes here
    • Listed all they could remember about the Roaring 20's from Texas History last year
    • Began reading and learning the Brief Summary of the Roaring 20s


    For Tuesday
    1. Read Ch. 21 & 22 of Will's War
    • No discussion questions required
    2. List everything you can remember from our study last year of the Roaring 20's in Texas
    For Thursday - Quiz over Brief Summary of the Roaring 20's

    Thursday, October 29, 2015

    Will's War Discussion & Analysis + Results of WW I + Europe Before & After WW I

    Today the Gr8s
    • Analyzed and evaluated various aspects of Will's War: Will Bergfeld, Anna Bennett, the American Court System (as seen in Will's War), Rockefeller & the Mine Owners at Ludlow, CO; see GooDoc.
    • Took notes on the Results of World War I
    • Analyzed two maps showing Europe Before and After World War I
    Assignments for Monday
    1. Finish the GooDoc on Will's War--The Good & The Bad
    2. Do the Map Analysis - Europe Before & After World War I - Write down every change you see that took place in Europe as a result of World War I.
    3. Read Ch. 20 in Will's War & post 5 discussion questions.

    Wednesday, October 28, 2015

    Major Test - WW I, cont'd

    The know-it-all 8th Graders continued working on their WW I Major Test.

    Assignment for Thursday

    1. Read Ch. 19 in Will's War.
    2. Post 5 discussion questions at your blog.

    Tuesday, October 27, 2015

    Major Test over WW I + Will's War

    Today the 8ths spent most of the period taking the Major Test over World War I

    Assignment for Wednesday:

    1. Read and come prepared to discuss Ch. 17 & 18 of Will's War.
    2. Post 5 discussion questions for each chapter.

    Monday, October 26, 2015

    Wilson's Fourteen Points + Class Discussion over Versailles Treaty & League of Nations + Major Test Prep

    Today our 8th Graders:
    • Turned in and discussed the rest of their Analysis of Wilson's Fourteen Points
    • Discussed the extent to which the Treaty of Versailles and failure of the United States to ratify it and join the League of Nations helped cause World War II
    • Studied for tomorrow's Major Test over World War I
    Assignment for Tuesday: Major Test over World War I - See study tips here.

    Friday, October 23, 2015

    WW I, cont'd + Wilson's 14 Points + Major Test Prep + Treaty of Versailles & the League of Nations

    Today our 8ths:
    • Discussed and evaluated Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points
    • Reviewed briefly for Tuesday's Major Test over World War I
    • Viewed and took notes on videos related to the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations

    For Monday
    1. Read Ch. 15 & 16 in Will's War and post 5 discussion questions per chapter at your blog..
    2.  Finish the Analysis of Wilson's 14 Points - You may collaborate.
    3. Watch at least 1 hour of videos on the Versailles Conference and the Treaty of Versailles. Then answer the question, "To what extent did the Treaty of Versailles and the United States' failure to sign it help cause World War II?" Write at least two good paragraphs answering the question.

    World War I - Treaty of Versailles (3:07) - WatchMojo
    The Treaty of Versailles and its Consequences (8:35) - Anthony Kemmer
    Treaty of Versailles Documentary (38:33) - BBC Two
    The Treaty of Versailles (c. 58:51 mins.) - BBC Four

    For Tuesday - Major Test over World War I - Study these:
    • A Brief Summary of World War I - both sides of the page
    • Learn the map showing the Allies and Central Powers
    • Study the Online History Textbook pages about WW I
        1. Farewell to Isolation
        2. Over There
        3. Over Here
        4. The Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations
    • Be able to identify the pictures of soldiers, weapons, etc.
    • Be able to identify the cartoons we studied: Causes of WW I, U. S. Neutrality, etc. 
    • Be able to discuss arguments for and against U. S. entry into World War I
    • Be able to evaluate the AEF's contribution to the Allied victory
    • Be able to evaluate the Wilson's 14 Points, the U.S. Senate's decision not to ratify the Treaty of Versailles or join the League of Nations.

    Thursday, October 22, 2015

    Heroism During World War I + Wilson's 14 Points + Spelling Vocabulary

    Today the Gr8s:

    Discussed the questions of what makes someone a hero and which was more a hero: Will Bergfeld (in Will's War) or Sgt. Alvin C. York
    Began an analysis of President Wilson's 14 Points

    Assignments For Friday
    1. Finish the Analysis of Wilson's 14 Points.
    • Do at least 7 of the 14 Points.
    • You may collaborate.
    2. Spelling/Vocab Quiz (See Monday's post for the list of words. Be able to:
    • Spell the words correctly.
    • Write the definitions from memory.
    • Use each word correctly in a sentence.
    • Look at a picture and tell which vocabulary word the picture illustrates.

    Wednesday, October 21, 2015

    Student Versions of "Over There" + Doughboy Hero Sgt. York

    Today the 8th Graders:

    • Read and sang one another's versions of "Over There"
    • Read and discussed Sgt. Alvin C. York, one of the most famous American heroes of World War I
    • Related what they were reading to what we have learned about the A.E.F. and World War I (e.g., York fought in the St. Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne Offensives)
    • Began watching an excerpt of the Movie - Sgt. York


    For Thursday

    1. Finish watching the excerpt of the Movie - Sgt. York.
    2. Read Ch. 13 & 14 of Will's War and post 5 questions per chapter at your blog.

    For Friday - Spelling/Vocabulary Quiz over words from Ch. VI & VII of Will's War. See list at class blog post of 10/19/15.

    Tuesday, October 20, 2015

    "Over There" Analysis + Will's War Discussion + "Over There Rewrite"

    Today our Grade 8's:

    • Analyzed the AEF's favorite marching song, "Over There," by George M. Cohan
    • Focused on emotional appeals in the song: every son of liberty, daddy, sweetheart, flag, mother, etc.
    • Analyzed the tone of the song
    • Experimented with writing the song to a mournful tune
    • Discussed what Will Bergfeld in Will's War would have thought of the song
    • Began rewriting the song from Bergfeld's point of view

    For Wednesday
    1. Finish rewriting "Over There" from Will Bergfeld's p.o.v.
    2. Read Ch. 11 & 12 in Will's War and post 3 discussion questions per chapter.

    For Friday - Spelling/Vocabulary Quiz over words from Ch. VI & VII of Will's War

    Monday, October 19, 2015

    Vocabulary from Will's War + The AEF on the Western Front + Battle of Cantigny

    Today our 8th Graders
    • Were introduced to this week's Vocabulary Words (see below under Assignments)
    • Reviewed the major Allied offensives in which the AEF fought on the Western Front during World War I
    • Viewed & periodically paused to discuss the C-SPAN video on the Battle of Cantigny

    For Tuesday
    1. Watch and take notes on the rest of the C-SPAN video on the Battle of Cantigny
    2. Read Will's War, Ch. 8, 9, & 10 and post 3 questions per chapter at your blog.
    3. Read the lyrics to the song, "Over There," and circle every emotional appeal Cohan uses to get American boys to become doughboys. Click here to hear.

    For Friday - Vocabulary Quiz – Ch. VI & VII – Will’s War
    1. ornate – with elaborate or excessive decoration
    2. forebears – ancestors
    3. in lieu of – in place of; instead of
    4. cholera – an acute and often fatal intestinal disease that produces severe diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration, & gastric pain
    5. plundering – robbing or stealing
    6. devout – very religious
    7. lavished – gave or spent generously or to excess
    8. abundant – plentiful               
    9. soiree – an evening party, especially in somebody’s home
    10. railed – complained or protested bitterly
    11. deplorable – extremely unacceptable; worthy of severe condemnation
    12. tyrant – an absolute ruler who exercises power cruelly and unjustly

    Friday, October 16, 2015

    World War I Submarine & Aerial Warfare + The A.E.F. & Allied Victory

    Today the 8th Graders:

    • Viewed and analyzed the sections in "Arming the Earth" on submarine and aerial warfare during World War I
    • Began analyzing two maps showing the main offensives in which the American Expeditionary Force fought on the Western Front during World War I

    Assignments for Monday.
    1. Finish analyzing the two maps on the A.E.F.
    • Number off the 6 offensives in chronological order on the map
    • Gather information online on the 6 offensives and write notes out to the side of each
    2. Read Ch. 6 & 7 in Will's War and post 3 discussion questions for each at your blog.

    Thursday, October 15, 2015

    World War I, cont'd + Will's War, Ch. 3, 4, & 5

    Today our 8th Graders:
    • Discussed Chapters 3 & 4 of Will's War.
    • Began reading the longish Ch. 5, to be finished by tomorrow.

    Assignments for Friday

    1. Read the intro and Roman numeral I of the History section of the Wikipedia article on the Industrial Workers of the World ("Wobblies").
    2. Read Ch. 5 of Will's World and post 5 discussion questions at your blog.

    Wednesday, October 14, 2015

    World War I Debate on U. S. Entry

    Today the 8th Graders did an excellent job of debating the question, "Should the United States have fought in World War I?" They went in depth, clashed vigorously, and made effective use of the information they have been gathering and organizing.

    Assignment for Thursday
    1. Read here & here on U.S. military involvement in World War I. Read each page twice.
    2. Look back over Ch. 3 & 4 in Will's War and come to class prepared to discuss them.

    Tuesday, October 13, 2015

    Crash Course on WW I, Will's War Ch. 1 & 2, Debate Prep

    Today the 8th Graders:

    • Reviewed the Crash Course Video on the U. S. in WW I
    • Discussed the Prologue, Ch. 1, and Ch. 2 of Will's War
    • Continued preparing for tomorrow's debate on the question, "Should the United States have entered World War I?"
    Assignments for Wednesday
    1. Have your Pro|Con Debate Notes ready to use and turn in.
    2. Read and come prepared to discuss Ch. 3 & 4 of Will's War.

    Friday, October 9, 2015

    All Quiet, cont'd + Crash Course on U. S. & WW I + Debate Prep on U. S. Entry

    Today the 8ths:

    • Viewed & discussed the next 15-20 minutes of the movie, All Quiet on the Western Front
    • Viewed & discussed the first 7 minutes of the Crash Course Video on the U. S. & WW I
    • Continued analyzing documents to prepare for next Wednesday's Debate on the question, "Should the United States have entered World War I?"
      • Students are to prepare a Pro/Con Chart of the information they've been examining. - Due Wednesday, 10/14

    Assignment for Tuesday - Have a wonderful 3-Day Weekend!

    Thursday, October 8, 2015

    Today the Gr8 8s:
    • Read one another's Trench Stories on World War I
    • Reread the paragraph on U. S. Neutrality during WW I
    • Were divided into teams for a mini-debate on the question, "Should the United States have entered World War I?"
    • Began analyzing a packet on reasons for U. S. entry into WW I
    Assignment for Friday
    1. Finish the packet on reasons for U. S. entry into WW I
    2. Review the first 19 pages of Will's War for class discussion tomorrow.

    Wednesday, October 7, 2015

    World War I: "Arming the Earth" Video + Discussion of Discrimination During Wartime + Trench Story + Will's War

    Today the Grade 8s:
    • Increased their understanding of WW I trench warfare by viewing part of the video, "Arming the Earth,"  from the Bill Moyers series, A Walk Through the Twentieth Century.
    • Discussed with the Grade 6s & 7s the question, "Should U. S. citizens with foreign surnames from countries against whom we are fighting be discriminated against in time of war?"
    • Continued writing their Trench Story
    • Began reading Janice Woods Windle's Will's War, the story of discrimination against German Texans during World War I
    Assignments for Thursday
    1. Trench Story is due.
    • At least 1000 words
    • 12-point Times New Roman font
    • Double spaced
    • 1.5-inch margins
    2. Will's War
    • Finish filling out the Pre-Will's War Chart.
    • Read through pp. 1-19 in Will's War.
    • Write and post at least 3 discussion questions for each chapter

    Tuesday, October 6, 2015

    Trench Warfare + All Quiet + Trench Story

    Today the Grade Eighters:
    • Continued analyzing diagrams & pictures showing trench warfare on the Western Front in World War I - This is what the American doughboys would encounter when they finally arrived "Over There" in 1917.
    • Viewed the first few minutes of the movie, All Quiet on the Western Front, noting the brutality of trench warfare and how, by favoring the defense, it led to the 3.5-year stalemate on the Western Front
    • Began writing their 1000-word (minimum) Trench Story, creatively and realistically applying what they are learning about trench warfare.

    Assignment for Wednesday - Continue working on your Trench Story. - Due Thursday.

    Monday, October 5, 2015

    Review of Causes of WW I + Opening Action on Western Front + Trench Warfare

    Click above, here, and here for enlarged views.

    Today the 8ths:
    • Reviewed the causes of WW I
    • Looked at the opening action on the Western Front
    • Analyzed the German Schlieffen Plan-Before & During
    • Read through and examined diagrams in a packet on Trench Warfare on the Western Front
    • Students were asked to absorb as much of the information on trench warfare as they could, as they will soon be writing a Trench Story describing an attack on a trench system during WW I
    • Found additional information, including videos, online illustrating and explaining trench warfare
    Assignments for Tuesday -
    1. Continue finding and reading and absorbing information on trench warfare on the Western Front
    2. Be thinking about possible approaches to the trench story you will soon be writing.

    Friday, October 2, 2015

    Quiz over Brief Summary of WW I + Cartoon Analysis over Causes of WW I

    Today our 8th Graders:
    • Took the Quiz over the Br. Summary of World War I
    • Analyzed Cartoons on the Causes of WW I
    Assignments for Monday:  Finish Cartoon Analysis on Causes of WW I

    Thursday, October 1, 2015

    Crash Course Vids + Silent Debate on the Causes of World War I

    Today the Great 8's:
    • Viewed, periodically stopping to discuss, two Crash Course Videos on the Causes of World War I

    • Held a Silent Debate on the question, "What was the most important cause of World War I?"
    Assignment for Friday: Quiz over both sides of A Brief Summary of World War I
    1. Learn all the textual material (words).
    2. Learn the symbols at the top of p. 1.
    3. Learn the opposing sides (Allies vs. Central Powers) on the map, plus what the other pictures show on the back of the handout.

    Wednesday, September 30, 2015

    Discussion of Ch. 6 & 7 of The Call of the Wild + Continued Prep for Mini-Debate over Causes of WW I

    Today the 8th Graders:

    • Discussed the last two chapters of The Call of the Wild, focusing on its characteristics as parable, fable, and allegory.
    • Continued preparing for the mini-debate over the Causes of World War I
    • Hadn't as much time as usual due to half the class being gone for school publicity photos


    For Thursday - Mini-Debate over MANIA: Causes of World War I (Click for a chart I worked up several years ago over the causes, modified slightly today.)

    For Friday - Quiz over A Brief Summary of World War I

    Tuesday, September 29, 2015

    Brief Summary of WW I + Causes of WW I

    Today the Eighths:
    • Finished reading and discussing the Brief Summary of World War I - Quiz over this on Friday
    • Chose a cause of World War I and took notes from an American History textbook in preparation for a mini-debate tomorrow over the question: What was the most important cause of World War I?
    Assignment for Wednesday
    1. Review Ch. 6 & 7 in The Call of the Wild and come prepared to discuss it.
    2. Be prepared for the mini-debate over the Causes of World War I.

    Monday, September 28, 2015

    World War I + The Call of the Wild, Ch. VII

    Today our 8ths:

    1. Began our study of World War I
    • Examined a map showing the Allied Powers vs. Central Powers + the main fronts of WW I
    • Examined drawings & pictures of German, French, British, and American troops during WW I
      • Noted how their uniforms can help us distinguish one country's troops from another's
      • Noted how the uniforms, especially headgear, changed as a result of trench warfare in WW I
    • Learned nicknames of some of the nations' troops: Poilu (French), Doughboy (American), Tommy (British), Hun (pejorative nickname given by Allies to German soldiers)
    • Began reading A Brief Summary of World War I
    • Discussed & analyzed cartoons about MANIA, the 5 Main Causes of WW I: 
      • Militarism
      • Alliances
      • Nationalism
      • Imperialism
      • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary
    2. Began reading Ch. VII of The Call of the Wild

    Assignment for Tuesday - The Call of the Wild
    1. Finish reading Ch. VII
    2. Write 5 discussion questions and post them at your blog.
    3. Finish the My Map on Buck's Itinerary
    4. Finish the sheet on Events That Change Buck.- The final copy is due Tuesday, 9/29.
    WW I Resources

    Friday, September 25, 2015

    The Call of the Wild, Ch. V + Critiquing Imperialism Cartoons

    Today our Grade 8s:

    • Discussed Ch. V of The Call of the Wild, beginning with a student's question: Why did Jack London make the chapter so gruesome?
    • Explored the literary genre called Naturalism and identified some of its themes and practices in The Call of the Wild.
    • Looked at student blogs to see 
      • what it looked like when a heavy individual jumped from a pier onto a light sheet of ice (memories of Charles, Hal, Mercedes, and the pooches crashing through thin ice and disappearing into the Yukon)
      • where we might find clothing and supplies should we want to trek up to the Klondike/Yukon (click herehere, and here)
      • where we might go to have a team of huskies pull us in an authentic, tired, tourist sled
    • Did an exercise called Critiquing Imperialism Cartoons, showing how a pro-imperialist and an anti-imperialist might view two cartoons on U. S. overseas expansion.

    Assignment for Monday -
    Finish Critiquing Imperialism Cartoons.
    Read Ch. VI of The Call of the Wild and post 5 discussion questions at your blog.

    Have a great weekend, young huskies!!

    Thursday, September 24, 2015

    Post-Debate Review + Class Discussion TCOTW + Play on Spanish-American War

    Today the Great 8ths:
    • Discussed yesterday's Imperialism Debate
    • Discussed Ch. IV of London's The Call of the Wild
    • Were reminded to stay current on the Google My Maps on Buck's Itinerary in The Call of the Wild and the GooDoc on Events that Change Buck
    • Read the play The Case of the Spanish-American War and began filling out a Chart on the Causes of the Spanish-American War.
    Assignment for Friday -
    1. Finish reading the Span-Am War play and filling out the Chart on the Causes of the Spanish-American War.
    2. Read Ch. V in The Call of the Wild and post 5 discussion questions at your blog.
    3. Continue updating the Google My Maps on Buck's Itinerary and GooDoc on Events that Change Buck.

    Wednesday, September 23, 2015

    Imperialism Debate + The Call of the Wild Reading, My Map, Buck Changes

    Today the 8th Graders:
    • Debated strongly and effectively the question, "Was it right for the United States to carry out a policy of overseas imperialism." Great job, students!
    • Read Ch. IV of The Call of the Wild and worked on their My Map & Buck Changes Google Docs.
    Assignments for Thursday
    1. Read Ch. IV of The Call of the Wild, post 5 discussion questions at your blog, and come prepared to discuss Ch. IV.
    2. Be caught up on your The Call of the Wild My Map and Buck Changes documents.

    Tuesday, September 22, 2015

    The Call of the Wild, Ch. 2 & 3 + Imp Deb Prep

    Will the real Buck please stand up?
    Today the 8th Graders:
    • Discussed Ch. II & III of Jack London's The Call of the Wild
    • Took notes in preparation for tomorrow's debate: Was it right for the United States to carry out a policy of overseas imperialism?
    Assignment for Wednesday - Imperialism Debate
    1. Have all your notes taken & handy for use during the debate.
    • A Brief Summary of U. S. Overseas Imperialism
    • Primary Sources Packet
    • Online Textbook
    • Cartoons (optional)
    2. Have an illustrated PPT Presentation ready showing your 5 Main Arguments (You may show more than 5.)

    3. Come prepared to clash!

    Monday, September 21, 2015

    Crash Course Vid (fin.) + "The White Man's Burden" + Map on World-Wide Imperialism + Deb Prep from Online U. S. History Textbook

    Today our 8ths:
    Assignments for Tuesday
    1. Continue preparing for Wednesday's Imperialism Debate: Was it right for the United States to carry out a policy of overseas imperialism?
    2. Read and come prepared to discuss Ch. III of The Call of the Wild. (You do not have to write discussion questions over this chapter.)

    Friday, September 18, 2015

    Imperialism Quiz + Imp Deb Pre + Crash Course Imp Vid + Cartoons on Imperialism + Primary Sources on Imperialism Debate + The Call of the Wild

    Today the 8ths:
    • Took a Quiz over A Brief Summary of U. S. Overseas Imperialism
    • Continued taking Debate Prep Notes from the Brief Summary
    • Watched the Crash Course Video - American Imperialism

    • Examined cartoons on U. S. Overseas Imperialism
    • Began highlighting Pro-Imp & Anti-Imp primary sources on U. S. Overseas Imperialism
    • Continued two assignments on Jack London's The Call of the Wild
    • Events That Changed Buck - through Ch. 2
    • My Map of Buck's Itinerary - through Ch. 2
    Assignments for Monday
    • Have the Events That Changed Buck and My Map of Buck's Itinerary completed
    • Continue preparing for the ImpDeb
    • Have a great weekend!

    Thursday, September 17, 2015

    My Maps & GooDoc: The Call of the Wild + Brief Summary of U. S. Overseas Imperialism + Map Quiz U. S. Overseas Imperialism

    Today our 8th graders:

    • Showed their My Maps and Events That Changed Buck Goo Doc about The Call of the Wild
    • Read more of A Brief Summary of U. S. Overseas Imperialism & took Debate Notes from it
    • Took the Map Quiz: U. S. Overseas Imperialism
    • Read Ch. 2 of The Call of the Wild & wrote discussion questions, continued their My Maps & Events That Change Buck learning activities

    Assignments for Friday
    1. Quiz - A Brief Summary of U. S. Overseas Imperialism
    2. The Call of the Wild
    • Read Ch. II: The Law of Club and Fang
    • Write 5 discussion questions and post them to your blog.
    • Continue adding to My Maps on TCOTW.
    • Continue adding to Events That Change Buck in TCOTW.

    Wednesday, September 16, 2015

    The Call of the Wild + U. S. Overseas Imperialism

    Today the Gr8s worked on

    The Call of the Wild
    • Discussed their hypotheses over the Chapter Titles in The Call of the Wild
    • Began a Google "My Map" on the geographical places mentioned in TCOTW - Instructions here.
    • Began a compilation of the events that caused Buck to change during the course of the novel
    U. S. Overseas Imperialism
    • Examined briefly the Map of U. S. Overseas Imperialism
    Assignments for Thursday
    1. Map Quiz - U. S. Overseas Imperialism - Study this, this, and this
    2. My Map on The Call of the Wild - Include all the places mentioned in Ch. I - Wingboy, share yours with Jay and share it with him. You may work on this together.
    3. Fill out Events That Change Buck as seen in Ch. I of The Call of the Wild - Check your Gmail for the invite (if you haven't already). You may work on this together. Color code which of you does what.

    Tuesday, September 15, 2015

    Pros & Cons of Imperialism - Began Debate Prep - A Brief Summary of U. S. Overseas Imperialism/Maps - Began The Call of the Wild

    The 8ths today:


    For Wednesday
    1. Be studying for the map quiz over U. S. Overseas Imperialism, postponed until Thursday.

    • Use the Answer Sheet for the map quiz to help you prepare. We will also do some practice in class on Wednesday.

    2. Do the following for the Jack London novel, The Call of the Wild. I'm personally liking this version better, but use the one you prefer.
    • Look at the Chapter Titles on p. 3 and speculate what each chapter might be about. Post your speculations at your blog.
    • Read Ch. I: Into the Primitive by Wednesday & post 5 discussion questions at your blog. Be sure to include a picture and a link.
    • This Vocabulary List could be helpful as you read.
    For Thursday - Map Quiz over U. S. Overseas Imperialism

    Monday, September 14, 2015

    Quotations About History + U. S. Overseas Imperialism

    Today the Gr8s:
    • Discussed some of the Quotations About History they analyzed on Friday
    • Began our brief study of U. S. Overseas Imperialism
    • Answered Pro/Con the following question: "Is it right for one country to take over another country and rule them without their permission?"
    Assignments for Tuesday
    1. Finish "My Opinion About Imperialism" and post it to your blog.
    2. Read and study: (We will discuss these on Tuesday and have a Quiz over "2 Phases" on Wednesday and "A Brief Summary" on Thursday.